This viewer is still under development. There may be periodic interruptions of service during the testing period of this site and some tools may not function. Please notify us of any problems you experience so that we can work to correct them. If you previously visited the viewer and are now receiving an error at start up, please clear the cache of your internet browserPress <F5> key to refresh internet browser if you receive a blank page at start-up.



Limitation of Use

The Mohave County Flooding Rainfall and Engineering Data Viewer (hereafter “Viewer”) and all data presented therein is provided by Mohave County (hereafter “County”) to give access to data for the Mohave County area developed by County departments, incorporated cities within Mohave County, and other local, state and federal entities, public and commercial. The Viewer uses Geographic Information Systems (hereafter “GIS”) technology to provide a visual display of data for the convenience of the end user (hereafter “User”).

It is to be used for reference purposes only as a guide to finding assessment, planning, and other information and is not suitable for site-specific or business decision making and should not be used for making financial or any other commitments. Such decisions should only be made after validating information based on additional information available from the appropriate County office or other entities. NO PORTION OF THE INFORMATION PRESENTED SHOULD BE CONSIDERED OR USED AS A LEGAL DOCUMENT.

The data presented is for informational purposes only and should not be used for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. THE VIEWER IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATION, PROPERTY DESCRIPTIONS, OR DETERMINATION OF LEGAL TITLE. Property descriptions must be obtained from surveys or deeds. The compilation of countywide tax parcel and related data, street centerline, and other data results in a seamless dataset derived from many sources, particularly surveys, deeds, County and city resolutions, and orthophotography. It should be interpreted as the best available compilation, but SHOULD NEVER BE SUBSTITUTED FOR SURVEY OR DEED INFORMATION.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy, correctness and timeliness of data presented in the Viewer, the County assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, even if the County is advised of the possibility of such damage. The County does not warrant that the operation of the Viewer will be uninterrupted or that defects in data will be corrected.

The Viewer provides GIS functionality available to the User to alter the display of data, such as toggle the visibility of feature layers, load data into the Viewer, and perform queries and other GIS functions. It is incumbent on the User to understand the effects of such functions on display and presentation of data.

Assumption of Risk

The User understands and acknowledges that the data presented herein are subject to constant change and is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete, nor that it will meet the requirements of the User. The entire risk as to quality, performance and usefulness of the Viewer and associated data, and conclusions drawn from its use, rest with the User. The County does not warrant that the operation of the Viewer will be uninterrupted or that defects in data will be corrected.

Products may have a number of errors which may include but are not limited to the following types of errors:

  1. Spatial errors - The areas depicted in the data are approximate, and are not necessarily accurate to surveying or engineering standards. X/Y coordinates may be in error by several hundred feet or more.
  2. Registration errors - GIS data layers may not overlay each other correctly. For example, parcel boundaries may not align properly with underlying orthophotography.
  3. Attribute errors - Database information may be incorrect.
  4. Currency errors - GIS data layers, databases and documents may not be the most current available or may not depict the specified time. All data is subject to constant change. Data input lags real-world changes by varying periods of time.
  5. Completeness errors - Data may be missing or data may be included that does not belong.
  6. Projection distortion - All map projections introduce distortion by representing the irregular shape of the earth's surface on flat maps. This affects feature shapes, angles, map distances and areas.
  7. Calculation errors - Results of calculations may not be exact due to rounding, precision of stored values or algorithm differences.
  8. Representation errors - Maps or other displays may not properly represent the data. For instance, a white line on a white background would appear as if it wasn't there. Data may be displayed at an inappropriate scale. 
  9. External source errors - Base Map data hosted by external sources, for instance, the "National Geographic World Map" layer, may show references to historic street names or landmarks, abandoned roads, etc. These references may or may not be applicable for E-9-1-1 purposes.

The information is provided subject to the express condition that the user knowingly waives any and all claims for damages against Mohave County and its officers, agents, consultants, contractors and employees that may arise from the use of this data.


Availability of the Viewer is not guaranteed. Applications, servers, and network connections may be unavailable at any time for maintenance or unscheduled outages. Outages may be of long duration. Do not create dependencies on these services for critical needs.

Maintenance of Data

To assist the County in the maintenance of GIS Data, Users should provide the County information concerning errors or discrepancies found in using the Products. Users are invited to e-mail their comments and report errors to  brian.anderson@mohavecounty.us